Tips you need to know before you book online air ticket 

In today’s digital age, booking air tickets online has become a convenient and popular option for travelers. However, with numerous websites and deals available, it’s essential to consider certain factors before making your final decision. This article will guide you through 12 important considerations to keep in mind when booking an online air ticket, ensuring […]

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Safe to visit Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a beautiful island with friendly people, stunning scenery, and rich culture. It’s safe to visit, and in recent years, there have been improvements in security and infrastructure, making it a popular destination. While there have been conflicts in the past, the government has taken steps to make it safer for visitors. Political […]

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Exploring the Unique Endemic Wildlife of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka often hailed as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean,” is a tropical haven celebrated for its breathtaking landscapes and abundant biodiversity. Within its natural wonders lie, endemic creatures, from vivid avian species to enigmatic mammals and captivating reptiles. This island nation proudly showcases a collection of exceptional wildlife, exclusive to its shores and […]

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Traditional Brass Craftsmanship: A Cultural Legacy of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has gained global recognition for its diverse industries, with its brassware sector reigning supreme owing to its profound historical and cultural significance. Elevated by intricate craftsmanship, Sri Lanka has elevated traditional brassworking art to new heights. These exquisite brass creations, cherished by both locals and countless visitors, serve as cherished keepsakes and elegant […]

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Paddy Cultivation in Sri Lanka

Paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka is an integral part of its agricultural heritage. Characterized by traditional irrigation systems like cascaded tanks and canals, it supports rural livelihoods and cultural practices. Facing challenges from climate change and modernization, paddy farmers adopt innovative techniques, including mechanization and organic methods, while preserving rice varieties. This practice plays a […]

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Unveiling Sri Lanka’s Enchanting Wood Carving Heritage

The wood carving industry in Sri Lanka is a vibrant tapestry of ancient artistry and modern creativity. Skillful artisans intricately carve timber into exquisite sculptures, furniture, and decorative pieces that embody the island’s cultural heritage. Rooted in history and spirituality, these carvings depict religious narratives and ornate designs. Despite challenges, the industry persists, with workshops […]

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Kandy Pola

The Kandy pola provides a unique shopping experience where individuals can directly interact with the growers and sellers, fostering a sense of community and trust. street filled with vibrant vendors selling their wares on the pavement, Each vendor competes fiercely, crying out their best deals in hopes of attracting customers. The air resounds with the […]

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Herbs and spices have played a significant role in Eastern cuisine for centuries, enhancing the flavors and aromas of dishes. Today, they are appreciated not only for their culinary applications but also for their medicinal properties. These versatile ingredients continue to be in demand for their valuable health benefits. Sri Lanka, known as Spice Island, […]

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Gems in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, known as one of the top gem-bearing countries globally, boasts the highest gemstone density in the world. It has gained recognition as a global sourcing destination for more than 75 varieties of precious and semi-precious gemstones. The country’s rich geological landscape has made it a treasure trove for gem enthusiasts and traders alike. […]

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